September 7, 2024

Dogs, Cows, Cat

A Report from Charlie

Hi! I had fun at the dog park because another dog was there. He liked to run, so we raced around! 

Then he had to leave, but before I even had a chance to miss him, Sadie showed up. Miss Deborah threw a ball and we chased it. Then we rested on the bench.

On another day, Mom drove past a farm. Do you like farms? This one had cows.

At the top of the hill, there was a view.

I saw some other friends this week. Today I saw Chuck, a friendly white dog. I get so excited when I see him, so Mom doesn’t have a chance to take a picture. She said I’m going to make her fall down if I keep running in circles.

I saw Tripod a couple times this week. I was beginning to wonder about him because he didn’t come out much during the really hot weather. I was glad to see him again.

Sharing with Caturday and Saturday Critters


  1. A great day out for Charlie and his friends!

  2. Charlie is photogenic! He turned out very handsome! You have a very nice view with the mountains!
    Have a wonderful Sunday Linda!

  3. Sounds like you had a great week, Charlie! Cows on a farm are pretty cool, aren't they?

  4. Great view and lovely photos of you and your furry friends

  5. Hello Charlie,
    It is great you get to visit the dog park. What fun times running around the park with all the other dogs. Cute doggie photos, love the cows and the cute Tripod. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Thanks for the update, Charlie. Seems that life is good. Tripod is a bit of an odd name for a cat with four legs!

  7. I knew the "Dog" portion of your title would be Charlie, but I did not expect guest appearances! Love the cows, they are always fun to see.

  8. Life has so much joy with Charlie in it!

  9. Glad you had a great day with your friends, Charlie. Have a fantastic week.

  10. It is great to see you having so much fun Charlie.

  11. Hi Charlie, Looks like you've had a wonderful week of fun riding in the car and looking out windows, racing around in the dog park, and visiting with old friends. You're a happy dog. Here's wishing you many more happy days to come.


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