July 12, 2024

So Many Lenses

Yesterday at the Opthalmologist's Office

A visit to the ophthalmologist can take an hour or more if they have to dilate your pupils because you have to wait until the eyedrops do their thing. Then the doctor comes back in and can complete the rest of the examination. I got bored waiting and took a picture. This is an impressive piece of optical equipment. 

As I mentioned before, I had cataract surgery on May 3 and I haven’t been able to see well out of that eye since then. My vision is much worse than it was before the surgery, because now everything looks blurry through that eye. Strong glasses do not help. We don’t know why at this point so I’ve been referred to a retina specialist. Also, the pupil is painfully sensitive to bright light and I can no longer use the eyedrops that used to help with that because we don’t know if they might contribute to the problem.

That eye used to be the stronger one, even though it had a tonic pupil, which means it did not respond to bright light by contracting. (This is the main symptom of Holmes-Adies syndrome, which is fairly rare and is thought to be caused by nerve damage.)  Now my other eye is doing all the focusing work and it gets tired quickly. 

I regret having the cataract surgery. I did try to research the risk of having it with Holmes-Adies Syndrome, and found almost no information. The doctor said there was a possibility of being more sensitive to light, and many people have temporary blurriness, but it usually resolves within two months. It’s been 10 weeks. 


  1. ...I'm sorry to hear this, my cataract surgeries went well.

  2. My brother is an optometrist. I get yearly check up with him

  3. So sorry your eye is still not corrected. Hope you get an answer, and more importantly, can see clearly again!

  4. Best wishes for an improvement in your eyesight! In years gone by there was no surgery until the vision was totally lost :(
    Great photo by the way.

  5. Hope your vision is normalised again soon.
    Interesting photograph.

  6. I think you are the exception, Linda. Both my wife and I have had cataract surgery with complete success and I know several others who have similar experience. One of my sisters-in-law alleges to have issue, but how much is real and how much is imagined is hard to know.

    1. Yeah, my eyes are weird. My sister-in-law had problems too, and actually had to have one of hers redone because something was wrong with the lens.

  7. I am very sorry you are still having problems with your eyes Linda. I do hope your vision is better real soon.


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