July 11, 2024

Photographing at the Valley Overlook

Shenandoah National Park

A week ago I made a short ride into the mountains because I was in Front Royal for an appointment and Skyline Drive begins there, right at the edge of town. I took a few pictures at the first overlook, drove to the nearby picnic area and ate a snack. I didn’t have time to linger because I needed to grocery shop and head back home in time to pick Charlie up from day boarding. 

There are always people taking pictures unless the weather is bad. Who can blame them? 

The dental visit resulted in our referral to an endodontist in Manassas for three-way x-rays. Yesterday I went there and found out that not only is the root of the tooth probably fractured, but the bone surrounding the tooth is dissolving. The tooth needs to be extracted. This requires a visit to the oral surgeon and probably an implant. I can’t tell you how tired I am of problems with my teeth. This was one of two teeth that got new fillings and crowns in April. Regular x-rays did not show the bone loss, and the gums became infected and painful. 

I’ve always taken care of my teeth with brushing and flossing and regular dental visits. All of my back teeth got fillings when I was still quite young, Over the years they had to be filled again, with many of them getting crowns plus a couple of root canals. 

Both dentists said that my recurring sinus infections could be caused by the infected tooth. It’ll be several weeks before I get that tooth pulled and find out for sure if it solves that problem. 

Meanwhile, I continue to have eye problems, and have been referred to a retinal specialist. But that’s another story.


  1. What a beautiful photo.

    Sorry your dental appointment didn't go so well, I hope you get what you need done to be living a little less stressed x

  2. You are having problems from the neck up! I hope that both issues can be resolved once and for all.

  3. Hello,
    Love the Shenandoah photo. I hope you are able to get both the tooth and your eye problem solved. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  4. ...I hate going to the dentist.

  5. What a lot of bother to have teeth, sinus, and eye problems all working against your peace and ability to life in comfort. I have the same thing, after getting two major novocaine shots earlier in the week, and some good looking fillings, now I'm fighting sinus issues, including fevers and coughing a bunch. It's all connected! Hope all your woes can find just the right treatments and you'll come out shining on the outside just like you do on the inside!

  6. This is a marvelous capture!

  7. Sorry about your dental problems. The bit about maybe they are causing sinus infections kind of intrigues me. I have like a constant sinus infection almost all the time. No teeth problems so far though.

  8. So sorry to hear about your dental problems. I'm kind of a sissy when it comes to the dentist. I hate getting work done. Wishing you the best!

  9. Dental work would be very low on my list of preferred weekend activities! Good luck with it!
    Cheers - Stewart M, Auckland, NZ


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