August 23, 2024

The View from Afton Mountain

Nelson County, VA

There is a scenic overlook along I-64 eastbound. Here you can enjoy a mountain view, with U.S. Route 250 not far below you. Before the interstate was built, Rt. 250 was the main road between Richmond and the Shenandoah Valley. Even earlier, it was a Monacan Indian trail across the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Unfortunately, the interstate overlook is marred with graffiti, and I saw some young people adding to it.

There are three historical markers at the overlook, and if you are curious, you can read the text at Historical Marker Database: Rockfish Gap Meeting, Flight of Richard C. Dupont, and Greenwood-Afton Rural Historic District.


  1. Graffiti is disgusting and so are the people who create it. Nature in all its glory was not put there for them to disfigure. Morons.

  2. Loved the girl sitting on the rock looking at all that is out there. That's the feeling I like about mountains, seeing the incredible diversity below.

  3. The view is beautiful! It is sad about the graffiti.
    Take care,enjoy your weekend.

  4. Beautiful captures, loved the 1st the best.

  5. Wow that is an incredible place to view from there and here as well!

  6. That top photo is amazing!
    I hate graffiti, it is just arson but what do you do when you see it?


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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