August 22, 2024

Just Before Sunrise

I know I complain about Charlie getting up before dawn. I like to sleep late, but he won’t let me. We’re still working on it.

It’s late August. I don’t like seeing the days get shorter, but at least he should sleep a little later.

On this particular day, we walked just a bit farther than usual because I wanted to get a picture of the eastern sky. We saw three other people walking their dogs at that early hour. I guess Charlie is not the only pup who likes to get up early.


  1. ...another reason to get out of bed.

  2. Don’t let up, Charlie. Out and about early in the morning is the best of all.

  3. Gorgeous skies and lovely photos.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. Charlie seems to have his own early-morning agenda! It’s nice that you could catch a glimpse of the eastern sky while out on your walk. It’s interesting how early mornings can turn into a time for unexpected encounters and peaceful moments.

    I invite you to read my new blog post and let me know what you think:

  5. Wow, that's a gorgeous sky. Thanks, Charlie!

  6. I like that first sky and its vivid orange. I can miss getting up at sunrise back when I worked full time in an office but I also like to sleep in. Thank you, Charlie (I think) for this post. Alana

  7. The light is super beautiful

  8. Sometimes the best skies are the early morning skies. Your photo is wonderful.
    Since I retired I don't get up so early any longer so no more good morning skies for me. Sometimes I cannot believe that I would go run at 5:15 in the morning when I worked.


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