August 21, 2024

One that Got Away

This afternoon I saw an osprey as I crossed the bridge into Seven Bends State Park. Unfortunately, it flew out of sight into the trees before I could take a picture. Here is the view anyway. It was a beautiful day, and cool for August in Virginia.

Charlie and I walked along a trail for a little way, but we did not see the osprey again. 

To make up for missing the shot, I pulled out some of my old pictures of ospreys. The nest photos were taken in Maryland.

Bonus shot: Charlie at the LOVE sign.


  1. I hope the Osprey caught a fish and took it home for dinner.

  2. The phrase which usually denotes the fish that got away is just right for the fisher-bird, Osprey who disappeared on you. Glad Charlie was sticking around for photo opportunities!

  3. Awesome photos, thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful view of the park!
    Good to see Ospreys even if you don't get a photo!
    Say hello to Charlie for me


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