August 16, 2024

My Great 12-Year Old Camera

My old Nikon P510 is a terrific camera. I keep it by the back door to take pictures of birds when they visit my feeders. The manufacturer no longer supports this model, but the last time I had a problem, I took it to a camera shop in Warrenton and they were able to advise me. It turned out that the camera was too old for the newer, fast memory cards. That was an easy fix.

This camera came out in 2012, and I wish they still offered it. I love the zoom lens and having a viewfinder. It offered a lot of features for a consumer-priced digital camera at that time. I’ll be sad when it stops working.

Now I take many pictures with my iPhone. It is convenient because I almost always have it with me, and it does well in low light. I can remember when taking pictures indoors was difficult, and getting clear results often required using a flash or setting up lights. I took an entire course on lighting. That was back in the days of film. A generation has grown up without having to wind film and get negatives developed.


  1. ...I'm using my iPhone more and more these days.

  2. I miss my 70-250mm telephoto lens. But it sure was a pain to have to lug around.

  3. LOL! You're speaking my language :)

  4. Film look is easily applied on software too

  5. We have used the Canon PowerShot series and have been entirely satisfied.

  6. I love my Canon Powershot SX70. My iphone is not new and does not have a good camera. Happy weekend!

  7. Cute selfie with the mirror in the car! Oh the days of film! I only had one class on photography, so didn't get very much, and have gone through several SLRs in the meantime. Now the Nikon is in a drawer and I just use the iPhone.

  8. You kept that a long time I change mine after I had it four years. My wife had a bridge camera only its a Sony, I also bought her a new version a couple of years ago but she has not gotten around to using it as it's heavy. I use my iphone to take photos inside the churches I visit

  9. Having a 12-year-old camera that you still love says a lot about the quality of cameras these days! Nice reflection capture.

  10. It's always the person behind the camera that matters!

  11. That’s a nice camera. I seem to be taking more photos with my phone these days. I use the one with the zoom for wildlife but not very often right now.


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