August 15, 2024

Post #8807

Oops, I missed announcing Post #8800 because I wasn’t paying attention to my stats. In honor of that large number, I’ll write a little bit about blogging, but first I’ll show a sunrise from Tuesday.

I’m sharing this picture with Alan‘s Skywatch linkup, one of the most popular blog hops. It still has a large number of participants, even though blogging in general has dropped off. Quite a few linkups have ceased to exist in the last couple of years.

I think many bloggers have found that other social media sites are taking up their online time and energy, Other people have virtually retired from the Internet. I like sharing photos and short updates, and while I also do so on Facebook, I don’t spend much time on the various other social media sites. I already spend more time on my iPad and phone than feels healthy. At some point, a person needs to get up and move around and do other things. 

I’ve been blogging since 2005 and you may wonder why I don’t get bored with it. Well, I love photography and I have a variety of interests. I try to guard against repeating myself too much. Sometimes I notice that I took a picture that is an awful lot like one I posted before. That’s not always a bad thing. I don’t think anybody is going to remember what I posted a few years ago.

Sharing to linkups on various topics helps keep me interested by challenging me to come up with something that I might not have photographed otherwise. I try to find a new mural to post every Monday, and that takes effort. Tuesday is easier because I can just post a picture with a title for the Wordless linkup. The next day is Wild Bird Wednesday, and that can be challenging too. I am not a real bird watcher who hikes with a zoom lens in an area known for birds. I just happen to like birds, and I enjoy pursuing a topic. On Thursday, I often participate in Skywatch, although I can also post to that one on Friday. Friday is a good time to post a black-and-white picture and a reflection or street scene, and getting all of those on one day is tricky. At one time, my posts sometimes covered multiple topics, but now I like to keep them more focused. Saturday is critters day, and a couple times a month. I turn the task over to Charlie because he has fans.  (Okay, a beagle does not literally type out posts, but he inspires them.)

Sunday used to have a linkup for churches, but it went away after there were only three people participating. I was running out of churches to photograph anyway.  I still try to post something positive or inspiring on Sunday, at least most of the time. 

There are other linkups that I like, plus the monthly topic for City Daily Photo. 

Note that I use the words linkup and blog hop interchangeably, but there are other terms that mean the same thing, including linky and link party. Whatever you call them, they are online networking opportunities that connect bloggers with common interests. I have found dozens of great blogs through these pages. 

Did I tell you that I prefer posts that are fairly short? Yet I’ve rambled on the limit of my eyesight’s ability. Come back tomorrow and I’ll try to be succinct.


  1. I just enjoy blogging. No esoteric reasons, and it has put me in personal contact with some great people.

  2. I enjoy blogging, the linky parties are fun. I also enjoy visiting blogs from around the world. Your sky photo is lovely. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  3. I agree with what others have said, blogging has let me see what people think and do all over the world, and we get to make comments if we wish. That doesn't turn into a conversation, however, which is a limitation in blogland, in my opinion. I do like your scenes of the area which always look bright and new to me, no matter how many times you show a same view!

  4. Great photo and interesting insights.
    When I first started blogging it was like I was shouting out into the cosmos. I was kind of blogging to myself. There were a few Tulsa bloggers I hooked up with and then later more Oklahoma bloggers. One of them told me that to get anywhere I have to make decision. Did I want to big brashly political to get attention or did I want to join the linkups. I can't sustain brash political but I like taking photos so she told me about skywatch friday and so I started linking up.
    From there I learned about some that you write about, My World, reflections, wordless wednesday, the church linkup and many others. I posted seven days a week for years.
    Many people I knew personally didn't like the transactional nature of photoblogs. You have to visit and get to know people online if you want them to come see what you are doing. I don't have a problem with that and have made a lot of online "blog friends" over the years. Some people wanted to monetize their blog and that is difficult.
    Over time other social media came and grabbed people's attention and the number of bloggers have gone down. It's understandable but sad plus a lot of bloggers have passed away. Generally without a trace.
    I still love blogging because you can take time to tell your story and respond to people.

  5. I started blogging in 2009 and, like Yogi, I felt like I was shoutout out into the cosmos for the first two years. In 2011, a blogging (and real life) friend told me about a blogging challenge and I never looked back. Blogged daily because of the one month challenge and then just kept going until July of this year. I am planning to only blog four times a week and each of those will be joining a different linky (music, wordless with a photo, Skywatch, Shadowshot). I enjoy both writing and photography although my photography is basic point and shoot with a phone. I enjoy interacting with people via blogging; in non online life I am an introvert who finds it hard to be social. Funny the difference online makes! Alana

  6. Beautiful sunrise. Photography and documenting my desert hikes keep me blogging. Not sure how much longer I will continue, as I'm starting to run out of novel hikes! We will see.

  7. I don’t do a lot of other media besides blogging, for all the reasons you mentioned. I have other accounts but sadly they are neglected. I have been blogging since April 2008 but closed my old blog and my present one has been open since 2016. I often share repeats. That’s a beautiful sunrise.


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