August 17, 2024

Marie and Charlie

Hi, it's Charlie again. Marie came to see me!

She came last night and today she wanted to go to a store in Front Royal. Mom and I walked in a park  near a caboose while Marie went shopping.

Usually I won’t wear a harness, but Marie put it on me so I was polite about it. Also, Mom kept watching me.

Filtered in Picsart

We drove up to Skyline Drive. We ate some burgers. Then I took a nap in the car while we drove some more. I was very good.


  1. Hello Charlie,
    Love the cute photos of you with Marie. I am glad you are feeling better about riding in the car. Love the caboose. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. How very nice to have your sister visit. Well done on being a good boy :)

  3. You were so good that Marie will probably come and see you again. Can’t say I blame you not wanting to wear that harness. Humans decide, dogs comply - at least that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

  4. Charlie is such a good boy! Sounds like a fun day with Marie.

  5. Charlie, you have been very good indeed! You rode in the car AND let Marie put a harness on you. Good for you!

  6. Such a good boy Charlie! You do seem to like Marie! That's great that you have respect for her helping you with wearing a harness...and Mum was keeping an eye on you the whole time.

  7. That sounds like a fun day! You are living a good life Charlie!

  8. You look great in the harness, Charlie. Glad you realize that it's best to have it on, it makes everyone happy. :)

  9. Hi Charlie! It sounds like you had a fantastic day with Marie and Mom. The caboose and Skyline Drive must have been great fun! Enjoy your well-deserved nap and have a wonderful week ahead! Check out my new style post: ( Thank you!


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