July 20, 2024

Pretend Cat and Real Dogs

This cat is not real. It is made with AI (artificial intelligence). Since it looks like it could be a real photo, I added a signature block. I don't like seeing fake photos passed off as real ones and it happens a lot on social media.

Caturday / Saturday Critters

I saw a couple of dogs exploring the boat landing near Eastham Park in Front Royal. The concrete pier is normally surrounded by water, but the river is quite low. The town is under mandatory water conservation due to the drought.

Water linkup
Next we have a picture of Charlie, followed by a couple of small dogs that I saw in Front Royal.


  1. The fake cat is very real looking. AI really is a double-edged sword I think.
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. The AI-generated cat is incredibly realistic. The real-life dogs photos are lovely, too!

  3. ...I like the real deal.

  4. The fake cat does look real. I love all the dogs, especially Charlie! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. That picture of Charlie is SOOOOOOO adorable! That look in his eyes - WOW!

  6. The cat looks real. Charlie looks cute as usual!

  7. Thanks for telling me of AI cat. I tend to shun AI because I love the efforts of artists/craftsmen. It's always going to be my approach to the use of technology to produce beauty.

    1. And yet you produce beauty with your camera.

  8. The AI "photo" looks so real! Getting harder and harder to tell real from fake.

  9. Charlie is looking great as always. That AI cat is amazing. Always fun to see what our prompts come up with. Nice scenery also. Have a great week Linda, and I will keep sending those healing vibes for your eyes.

  10. The cats and dogs are super cute!


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