July 19, 2024

Glass Table

In the Oral Surgery Center

Today I had a tooth pulled, one that had been previously filled and crowned more than once. I wasn’t happy about it in the first place because I just had the crown replaced in April, but apparently the root was fractured and infection had set in. After a few months, I will get an implant to replace the tooth. All of this is expensive.

The oral surgeon that I had some years ago has retired so I went to a different one in Winchester. To be honest, I was disappointed. They did not have the 3D x-rays that were taken in Manassas or the x-ray from my regular dentist, and they couldn’t read the one on the thumb drive that I brought with me, so they had to redo the x-ray and it took three tries. I wonder if some of this confusion was due to the computer outage that hit so many companies today. It also closed down the Social Security office, which was inconvenient because I was going to drop off some papers there while I was in town.

The extraction itself was pretty awful, but it didn’t take long. The numbing injections were painful and not as effective as I hoped. They recommended that I eat only cold, soft foods today, so I stopped at the grocery store and got some baby food and non-dairy ice cream for lunch. Then I came home and took a nap.

I am somewhat hopeful that getting rid of this infection will make my sinus infection go away. Two dentists have told me that that root is right up against the sinus cavity and could cause an infection. I have to take an antibiotic after the extraction anyway, so I have my fingers crossed for luck.

Oh, about the glass table: I was attracted to the reflective surfaces, and also to the way the table relates to the rest of the interior of the building. Many of the walls are glass, mostly frosted glass. It looks like it was the height of modernity when it was built, perhaps in  the 1970s.


  1. Between this and the mess with your cataract surgery you are having a miserable time of late.

  2. ...I hope that your medical situation improves.

  3. I do hope you start to feel better soon!
    Love the shape of your reflective table, and the way you can find beauty in unpleasant situations.

  4. I hope you feel better soon! The dental work is so expensive, especially implants. Have a great weekend.

  5. Oh dear, yes dental work is connected to sinus conditions - at least in my experience. So I'm glad to hear you're getting that sick tooth replaced.

  6. Dentist visits are never pleasant.


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