July 18, 2024

A View from Thoburn’s Redoubt

Cedar Creek Battlefield, VA

Our extra hot weather finally ended yesterday, so today was a good day to go on a short tour. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of the Cedar Creek and Belle Grove tours, and I wanted to go to this one because there was some fresh information that was not known when I went before.

The boy in the orange shirt asked the ranger some good questions and had already learned facts about the battle from looking at exhibits earlier. He said he was a history nerd.

I have posted pictures of this site in previous years. Signage has been improved and eventually parking will be improved. This historical park is still being developed.

The battle of Cedar Creek began here in the pre-dawn hours of October 19, 1864, when General Thoburn’s division was attacked.


  1. Beautiful photo of the battlefield. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  2. It’s not a stretch to conclude that a second civil war is brewing. I wonder how that will be remembered?

  3. ...it's sad that this beautiful place was once a battlefield.

  4. Well done to the children who are interested in history and surely with experiential learning they will remember it better! It's great when theme parks keep growing!
    Have a great weekend Linda!

  5. Glad to see smart kids that know how to educated themselves.

  6. Beautiful sky. Interesting history.

  7. What a view that place has, the hills just go on forever.

    I love it when I see young people who are really interested in history.

  8. Pretty sky, and glad the weather has cooled so you can get out and enjoy it!


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