July 21, 2024

Honoring Renzall Fields

A Celebration of Life

Yesterday Lynn and I went to an event honoring Pastor Renzall Fields, son of my friend Sarah, who preceded him in death by several years. He and his sisters were friends with my daughters during their school years. 

He will be greatly missed. He was a dynamic speaker and by all accounts, an excellent chef. 

Lynn did most of the driving since my eyes still get fatigued easily. She asked me to get pictures of her with his sisters. We did so after the service, although they were busy greeting people so I could not get a picture with all of them together.

Annita and Lynn

Lynn and Tobi

Lynn and Jettie

Oh, one thing I want to mention as far as taking pictures. Don’t hesitate to ask people to pose. You never know when a photo will turn out to be very precious to them. Several pictures that I posted on social media were included in the slideshow on Renzall‘s life.  Take pictures of friends and family. Share them. If they don’t want to be shown on the Internet, give them copies. A photo can become more meaningful as years pass.


  1. These are wonderful portraits

  2. Funerals are for the supporting the living and your pictures arrest to this.

  3. ...I'm sure that your presence was welcomed by the family.

  4. So sorry for your loss! Photos are great for memories!

  5. My condolences to you and the family.
    These are beautiful portraits, Linda.

  6. I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend. Very kind to take all the photos and I agree wholeheartedly that we should take as many as we can. Our most precious treasures are photos, especially with those loved ones who are no longer with us. I was wondering how things were going with your eyes. I hope there is improvement.


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