July 14, 2024

Low Water but Still Pretty

North Fork of the Shenandoah

I hope my readers don’t get tired of seeing pictures of the river. I try to document it through the seasons. It is, after all, iconic, and our Shenandoah Valley is named for this river.

The low water bridge on Lupton Road is in no danger of flooding right now. The water level is low as a result of drought conditions.

Patches of algae can be seen, particularly if you look downriver from the bridge.

 I think the water is slightly deeper on the upstream side of the bridge. This is at the entrance to Seven Bends State Park, and you can often see people fishing or just cooling off in the river.

Sharing with H2O / Sunday Best


  1. The water photos are perfect Linda, we can't get enough of them!!
    We love them!!

  2. still pretty with that nice tone

  3. I doubt that we could ever tire of views like this, Linda.

  4. Beautiful views of the river! Take care, have a wonderful week!

  5. Oh what a great idea to stand in that cool water! Love these river photos!

  6. As a fisherman I always wonder what kind of fish live in any water I see - and this river is no exception!
    Stewart M - Auckland, NZ

  7. Always lovely to see your beautiful photos of this mighty river. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme. (NixPixMix)


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