July 13, 2024

A Hot Week with Charlie

Hi, it's Charlie. I had to go to daycare two days in a row this week because my mom had appointments. She also goes shopping on those days because it is too hot for me to wait in the car when she goes in a store.

Sometimes it’s too hot to walk on the sunny part of the sidewalk. Then we walk around in the yard and sit in the shade. We didn’t go to the dog park all week, although we did go to the state park this evening. We saw a groundhog there. We’ve seen them in our neighborhood too. I would chase them away, but Mom holds onto my leash.

I would like to chase rabbits too. I watched one from the car when we went for a car picnic. That’s when we drive around the corner and Mom gives me snacks. She wants me to feel more safe in the car, but it makes a lot of noise and that is scary.

I like seeing animals, but some of them are afraid of dogs. Tripod the cat is friendly and says hi to me. 

Mom added special effects to a picture of Tripod. 

The cat who lives with Tripod is not very friendly but does visit our yard. I was watching from inside the door.

Is it hot where you are?


  1. Looks like Charlie had a great week, doing lots of different things!
    Have a beautiful week Linda and Charlie 🧡

  2. Lovely photos and art. We live in Essex, UK, and it's currently a bit cold here. Normally July can get quite hot here but is seems Summer is late this year. We don't like it too hot, especially Mum!

  3. Poor Charlie! Daycare is tough, but at least you get to see Tripod and enjoy car picnics. Sounds like a hot week! Stay cool!

  4. Too hot for dogs or people here, Charlie.

  5. Cute photos of Charlie. Other favorites are the rabbit and the cats. It is hot here too, not good walking weather. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Definitely hot everywhere. We mountain dwellers get a bit of a break at nighttime. Charlie, enjoy all of the fun critters, and treats too!

  7. Those are all really cute photos. Charlie, it's hot effurrywhere! In Jerusalem, where We live, it hovers around the mid-30s C all summer. We are up in the hills where it's supposed to be a bit cooler, but those hills are on the edge of the desert - so it isn't...

  8. so warm. the humidity is that bad part of it all ... like walking into an oven. stay cool. have a great week. getting a lot done around the home, i guess if thankful for anything because of this weather, it allows us to keep up on items we can't do normally when it is nicer weather??! lol. ( ;

  9. Tripod is a good friend.

    I passed by a rabbit early this morning and whispered, "just passing by." The little one still moved off a bit.

  10. Your mom takes care of you Charlie! That’s a cute groundhog and rabbit you saw on your walk. I’m glad Tripod is friendly and hopefully Tripod’s companion will be the same way once he gets to know how sweet you are. You are so darned cute looking through the window. You both take good care of yourselves in this heat. You are a lucky boy having a mom who loves you so much.


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