July 15, 2024

Apple Trees Mural

Winchester, VA

This is a new mural by artist Sarah Gallahan, who has painted a number of murals in the northern Shenandoah Valley. She did this one for White House Foods, a producer of fruit products. I’ve been eating their applesauce ever since I can remember.

I’ve posted some of her colorful murals before and you can see them by searching this blog for Gallahan. Here is a collage of examples.
Monday Murals / Mosaic Monday


  1. A nice mural of a fruit orchard. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  2. These are fantastic series of murals to look at. Colourful

  3. The orchard mural is lovely! Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Very beautiful murals!
    Thank you Linda!
    I especially like the one with the apple tree!
    It reminds me of a children's fairy tale!
    Have a great day Linda!

  5. ...that mural would look at home in our apple area.

  6. That apple tree mural is lovely and adds so much warmth like a hug.

  7. A talented artist who can vary her designs with subject matter. Love the apple tree mural!

  8. I really love wall murals. They bring art to the people. Enjoy your week. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.


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