June 2, 2024

Verdant Beauty

JMU’s Arboretum, Harrisonburg

Now and then I look back through my pictures and realize there were some I forgot to share. I take so many in the springtime and in the autumn, I sometimes lose track.

Two weeks ago I visited the Edith Carrier Arboretum and I only shared pictures from the children's section. I also walked through the woodland and admired the rhododendrons, and they are too pretty to languish on my phone.

I also noticed a distinctive plant which appears to be a celandine poppy. 

Linkups: Floral / H2O


  1. Nice walk. Looking out the window just now I can see my mothers rhododendrons blooming.

  2. It’s easy to take too many pictures when confronted with beauty like this.

  3. The rhododendron are pretty. I like the views of the trail and the river. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  4. Oooh, I'm wanting to shake off my sandals and put my toes in that clear cold water! So glad you found and shared these Rhodos...they are such beauties.


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