June 3, 2024

New Mosaics

Woodstock, VA

A mosaic is being built for the play area at Seven Bends State Park. I went to an event in which artists and people involved with the park came together to work on the project

The Community Art Collaborative (CAC) is managing this project with support from park staff and the Friends of Seven Bends State Park. Three previous mosaics were done and mounted on a wall downtown. 

I have previously posted pictures of the 2021 and 2022 projects. Here is the completed 2023 mosaic. Like the others, it imagines scenes on the Shenandoah River.

I photographed a few of my favorite details from that mosaic.

Mosaic Monday / Murals


  1. The mosaic looks so perfect

  2. The mosaics are lovely. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. Fantastic mosaic, it would have taken ages to put the mural together! Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  4. Mosaics are quite wonderful. They always remind me of intricate Roman creations.

  5. Wow,
    what beautiful mosaics,
    I have never seen anything like this before!!
    Great idea!
    Thank you very much for the presentation!

  6. Wow... what a lovely artwork.

    This canyon is stunning indeed.

    Another round of MosaicMonday in June... and I'm looking forward to your contribution again. This week there are many pictures that tell of your surroundings, of nature, of your everyday life. Pictures that also tell a bit of history.

    Thank you for your participation. Have fun, best wishes from Heidrun


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