June 1, 2024

Gardenfest with Alpacas

Middletown, VA

This annual event is a good place to buy plants, but this year all I bought was a T-shirt from a wildlife rescue. 

A couple of cute alpacas caught my eye. A bag of hay served as their outdoor café.

Charlie waited in the car with his friend Sadie and her mom, Deborah. Then I took a turn waiting with the dogs so that Deborah could visit the vendors. Sadie did not seem to want her picture taken. 

She’s actually a pretty dog, but she made faces at me.

For Charlie’s fans, here’s a picture of him with a painterly filter added in the BeCasso app.


  1. Looks like fun. Those alpacas as adorable! Hope you weren't bored waiting in the car, Charlie.

  2. How beautiful the alpacas!!
    Charlie doesn't seem to have a problem with the wait since he has company!

  3. The Gardenfest looks nice, I love the alpacas, they are cute critters. Sadie is a cute dog and I am a fan of Charlie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  4. Those alpacas are cute. Lovely art, Charlie!

  5. ...when you sell manure, you are "entremaunure!"

  6. Better post a picture wearing the tee shirt.

  7. Good that you all took turns with dog-sitting and seeing the displays. Love alpacas!

  8. Alpaca poop is pretty expensive. Looks like a nice stop. I buy tshirts from places that sell them for raising money for their cause.

  9. I always love coming back to see what you've been up to! Beautiful photos as always!!

  10. Alpacas are such neat looking animals and looks like a fun event!

  11. i am with Yogi ...who knew about the poop business!! LOL!! ( ;


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