May 31, 2024

Along the Loudoun Street Walking Mall

Winchester, VA

Winchester created a pedestrian mall in the 1970s by closing several blocks to traffic. That not only created a walkable shopping area, but it also made space for outdoor café tables,  which are very popular in the warmer months. 

This is in the historic downtown area, and there are museums and entertainment venues as well as shopping.

I knew that the June theme for City Daily Photo is Outdoor Cafés, so I was determined to photograph some. There are indoor eateries too


  1. Lovely area for a fun evening.

  2. It looks such a lovely area. Great shot of the trumpeter!

  3. I would very much enjoy sitting there, sipping wine, watching the world go by.

  4. Hello,
    Looks like a nice spot for lunch, with the outdoor tables. Have a great weekend.

  5. I'm imagining what the Snow White Grill might have on its menu!

  6. Looks like a great place to spend an afternoon!

  7. I know this area well but it has been a while since I was there. My friends and I would go to a British restaurant though I think it may have closed. Great photos!

  8. Looks like an amazing place!


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