May 30, 2024

Bright Skies, Tired Eyes

Today I was in Winchester for a follow-up with the ophthalmologist and he dilated my left eye to diagnose a problem. This made the eye even more sensitive to light than it already was, so I decided not to drive home until the medication wore off. I ate lunch and went to the walking mall to take some pictures.

Here we see the historic courthouse, now a Civil War museum.

The downtown post office faces the pedestrian mall. The town also has two modern post offices outside the historic district.

I glanced up at the balcony of a restaurant and saw these guys. I’ve seen them somewhere before. 😉 

It was a beautiful afternoon so I took other pictures but they can wait until tomorrow. My eyes are tired, which brings me back to the results of my appointment. It’s been 27 days since my cataract surgery and my vision is still not sharp in  that eye. The doctor found that there’s swelling in the middle of the macula, so the center of vision in that eye is blurred. He prescribed another anti-inflammatory eyedrop, so now I will be taking two kinds. I’m not happy with the prednisolone drops that  I’ve been taking because they are causing side effects, but he says to continue them because I really have to get that inflammation down.

I did not expect complications from the surgery, and I’m not happy about the eyestrain or the side effects. I still cannot drive very far because of the eyestrain, and I can’t read for long stretches of time. Bright light is painful so I can’t spend much time in the sunshine and I really miss it.

Well, that’s enough for now. Thank you to all who have wished me well as I recover. And after all, it was a beautiful day!


  1. Hope your eye turns out fine

  2. Hello,
    I do hope your eye heals and you recover your clear vision. My eyes are really sensitive to the bright lights.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. It’s a shame that you are having so much trouble. My wife and I have both had cataract surgery with any problems and many of our friends have had the same experience. One of my sisters-in-law is alleging problems after her surgery, but she’s a whiner and a hypochondriac anyway, so who knows?,

  4. Oh goodness, what a trying time for you. Sure hope that you get that inflamation down and your sight is back to normal soon.

  5. ...I hate when my eyes are dilated.

  6. Dilation isn't fun and complications can really complicate your life. Hoping that the new eyedrop regime does the trick and you can get back to your normal life soon. Alana

  7. Is that the Blues Brothers? So sorry to hear about the eye inflammation. I absolutely hate getting my eyes dilated. I'm guessing once your inflammation finally resolves, your vision will be good.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear you are having such issues with the cataract surgery outcomes. I'm like DAvid in the comments above. I never had any issues whatsoever. However I do have dry, itchy eyes which I think is a by product of not taking good care of my eyes when I wore contacts. Let' s hope your inflammation clears up very soon. It was a gorgeous day and you took excellent photos despite your lack of clear vision. Take care.

  9. I so sorry about all this Linda and hope it will be resolved soon and that those antibiotics do their work. I will have to show son your photos. He was always a fan of the Blues Brothers. Feel better soon!


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