June 5, 2024

Mourning Dove, Robin

Mourning doves have been visiting my deck so much that I suspect they have a nest nearby.

These are just cell phone pictures. Although my phone does a great job on scenic views, it does not zoom in well enough to get detailed pictures of birds. Still, it’s usually nearby so I can grab it and take a picture quickly.

A robin was sitting on a fence post at the dog park today. Charlie did not seem to notice. He had been playing happily with Ryleigh, a dog who is about the same size.



  1. Love the doves and the robin. Charlie looks cute.
    Take care, have a great day!

  2. Shouldn’t be too hard to find the nest if you are interested in doing so.

  3. Good enough capture of birds with phone camera. I'm usually way out of the possible distance to capture things that I see.

  4. ...I love the sound of mourning doves.

  5. Birds are a problem with phones but you know I take them anyway if that is the camera that I have.
    I love doves but they sure make bad decisions on where to build nests. Every so often they start building a nest on a blade of our back porch ceiling fan. That is easy to deal with, just turn on the fan.


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