June 6, 2024

Update, Friends of the North Fork

On Sunday, there was an event at Muse Vineyards. Laura Bennett was introduced as the new Executive Director of Friends of the North Fork.

The Friends of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River is dedicated to keeping our river clean, healthy, and beautiful through advocacy, stewardship, education and science. It is the parent organization of Friends of Seven Bends State Park.

Here is a photo of the North Fork of the Shenandoah. 

Skywatch / H2O Thursday

P.S. Yesterday was World Environment Day. I just found out.


  1. Great initiative. Looks beautiful.

  2. ...looks like a beautiful spot.

  3. It is so great that there are organizations that are dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of areas like yours.

  4. Congratulations on your friend

  5. A great organization! Beautiful photos, love the river.
    Take care, have a great day!

  6. It's organizations like yours and what we have here in Tulsa that really provide a boost to government agencies and help keep them and legislative bodies accountable.

  7. It's great to have that much citizen involvement and I am thankful for you and other volunteers. It's beautiful country. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  8. Beautiful river. Reminds me of the Chattahoochee in GA. Thanks for sharing with all of us. Be well!

  9. The best thing is that there are such organizations! Good start to her duties!
    Your river looks very beautiful and may it stay that way!!


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