May 24, 2024

Watching South Street

Front Royal, VA

Yesterday I went through the drive-through lane at Spelunkers, a burger and ice cream place. It isn’t exactly fast food because they cook your food to order, so you have to wait for it. I ordered a lettuce-wrap burger (no bun), and as I waited in my car, I took a couple of pictures. 

I think this child was also waiting, while her family was nearby at a table. I also spied a couple of hikers who appeared to have come into town for supplies. The Appalachian Trail is only a few miles away and hikers come through all summer. Some of them are “through hikers,” on their way from Georgia to Maine. I respect the stamina and perseverance of the people who complete that hike. It’s almost 2,200 miles (3540 kilometers) long in mountainous terrain.


  1. Love all the shadows in your black and white!

  2. the top photo is very meditative

  3. ...sadly, the Appalachian Trail is off limits to me!

  4. I will never do the Appalachian Trail, but we’re I younger I might give it a shot.

  5. were I younger, not we’re I younger. I really wish I could turn off spellcheck.

  6. That first picture is priceless. So many thoughts go through my mind as I see that picture. I too wish I was younger and could do the trail.

  7. Two very nice images. I like the black and white one with the little girl framed by the trees. Hiking appeals to me, the spirit is willing says I with a wry smile. Wishing you a happy weekend Linda.

  8. Been there and done that. Not the whole length of the AT, but portions here and there. Those two look much too fresh to have been on the trail for long. :-)

  9. I agree with previous comments, these young people must have only been hiking a short while. Not bedraggled enough for a month outdoors! Love the thought of a lettuce wrap on a burger.

  10. Loved the 1st pic. Amazing hikers!

  11. I especially like the black and white photograph :)

    All the best Jan

  12. Count me among those who would love to do at least part of that trail but know I couldn't. I love how you take advantage of your wait time to see and share these gems! Thanks.


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