May 25, 2024

Sunny Saturday with Charlie

Hi, it's Charlie! I thought I would talk to you for just a minute before I go to bed. I went to the dog park today so I'm tired. It was hot, but I still ran fast and chased the ball.

There are two gray cats that I thought might come talk to me, but one of them only came as far as a mailbox and the other one stayed further away

I didn’t get a good look at that one, but I think they were brothers so he looked kind of like this.

AI image for Caturday

Sometimes I go out on the deck with Mom and there are pots of flowers. A little critter called a skipper was on the pink flowers.

When it’s sunny out there, I like to lie down and feel warm. That reminds me, I want to take a nap now. Good night!


  1. Cute photos of Charlie! It has been hot here too. Great capture of the skipper! Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  2. I love seeing pictures of Charlie and listening to his stories.

  3. Gee, Charlie, life is really tough for you!

  4. ...have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Oh, Charlie - you are such a sweet woofie. But you see, some woofies aren't so nice to kitties. There are even some woofies who are really mean to kitties. Maybe the kitties you saw had a bad expurrience with one of THOSE woofies and now they are scared of ANY woofies. You will need to be patient and kind, and let them learn that there are also nice, kind woofies who are friendly to kitties.

  6. Hi Charlie...ask your mum to give you some special pats from me! I think you're adorable, and definitely a "good boy!" Cats are strange critters, somewhat aloof, which is probably something you never are!

  7. Those are all great photos. Hope you enjoyed your nap!

  8. I did enjoy your post Charlie.
    I wish you and your mum lots of happy days ahead.

    All the best Jan

  9. Charlie got tired from the walk,
    looks like he had a great time at the dog park.

  10. A nap does wonders for us all Charlie!


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