May 1, 2024

Hawk Spotting with Charlie

Seven Bends State Park

We were walking in the state park on Sunday and heard a large bird flapping its wings. I hoped it might be an eagle but could not tell.

It perched on a tall tree. Other birds seemed unafraid.

When it flew off, I could see it was probably a large hawk. The wing markings match those of  a red tailed hawk. It disappeared fairly quickly, so I was glad to get a few pictures with my phone.

Meanwhile, people were enjoying the river.


  1. Cant help with an ID for the bird, but the dog is clearly a 'Good Boy'! Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Sure looks like a Red-tailed Hawk to me.

  3. It's always so wonderful to see big birds flying over!

  4. Really refreshing to see nature in your shot. Charlie is very charming

  5. Nice sighting of the Hawk. Cute photo of Charlie!
    Take care, have a great day!


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