May 2, 2024

Views from the James Morgan

North of Harrisonburg

The James Morgan is an event center that was once a buffalo ranch. If you want a wedding venue with a beautiful view, this is one to consider.

It was in included on the Garden Week Tours. Their policy is to not allow indoor pictures, but the building is modern and the great room is very impressive.

On a personal note, I have cataract surgery scheduled for tomorrow so I may not be online much for a few days. I plan to have a post ready ahead of time for tomorrow.


  1. Winding path, clouds and greens. Just heaven!

  2. I could say snap with my skywatch photos today

  3. Good luck with the cataract surgery. Based on my experience it’s a piece of cake.

  4. ...yes good luck, my cataract surgery was indeed a piece of cake.

  5. Beautiful skies! Good luck with your surgery. I had it done one one eye a number of years ago, and it's really helped my vision.

  6. It looks like a beautiful place. Good luck on your cataract surgery. Keep us posted.

  7. Im ersten Moment dachte ich: die Fotos könnten aus Deutschland sein.


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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