April 5, 2024

Water Table?

No, this is a table with water on it. 😉 

As for the underground water table, I have not heard an update since the rain we’ve had over the past three days. Previously there were concerns because we had a drought last summer and precious little precipitation over the winter. Rivers are now back to normal levels or a little higher. When rainstorms raise the rivers, the water flows downstream pretty quickly, so levels will go back down in the next few days. 

Our Shenandoah River flows into the Potomac, and from there into the Chesapeake Bay and then the Atlantic Ocean. 


  1. ...and a water table is an architectural feature of cobblestone buildings.

  2. It is a beautiful reflection!

  3. Disputes over water are only going to escalate with drought in many areas of the world.

  4. Beautiful reflection photo! I am happy to see the water level back to normal at our reservoir. Have a great weekend.

  5. Great capture of momentary reflections on your water table. Yes, many concerns about water, or lack thereof, these days.

  6. That's a beautiful reflection!

  7. What a wonderful reflection.

    All the best Jan


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