April 6, 2024

Park Adventures with Charlie

Hi, it's Charlie, bringing you a Saturday Critters update. Most of the time I do my job watching the house for Mom, but I take lots of walks, and we drive to different parks.

The Shenandoah River is not far from the Strasburg dog park. One day we stopped at Deer Rapids so Mom could take a picture of this bridge. We were already tired from playing at the dog park so we didn’t go up the stairs to walk on the bridge.

I’m going to show you some pictures from my adventures at Seven Bends State Park. A week ago there was an event and we looked for a golden egg. 

We did not find it, but some children did. They were nice and I made friends with them

We went back there today and Ranger Megan told us about opossums. I haven’t seen any, but I have smelled some along the trails. She said they have very tiny babies who live in their mother’s pouch for a whole month.

It was windy at the park. I got tired walking around and sniffing the ground for animals. I think I’ll go to bed now. I think I’ll dream about flying because I’ve been trying to learn how.


  1. Our sweet dog gave us a beautiful tour! Have a beautiful Sunday🐕🌻🌼!

  2. Love your flying photo! So nice to see you making friends with the kiddies.

  3. Hello,
    Charlie is so cute. I am glad he met new friends at the park. Looking for the golden egg sounds fun. I am sure the walk are fun too, all those new smells. Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care and happy Sunday, have a great new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Charlie, you are clearly enjoying The Good Life! And thanks for sharing it with Us, in your Mom's lovely photos!

  5. Lovely photo of the bridge - but I think I'd chicken out of climbing those steps ;)

  6. Maybe you’ll dream about flying possums, Charlie. I’m very happy that you made friends with the children.

  7. ..park are for more than people.

  8. Hi Charlie, thank you for such a nice story and all those great photos. So sweet to see you with the kiddos today. You were/are such a good boy. Sweet dreams!

  9. Thanks for staying around the computer long enough for a flying beagle to give us these photos and comments of some interesting events! Fly away Charlie...in your dreams for sure!

  10. Charlie is just the cutest, and opossums are plenty around our place, they love eating our Peacock and barn cats' food!

  11. Hello Charlie :=)
    You are such a good boy guarding the house for mom and making friends with little children. You are a good story teller too.Sleep well Charlie and sweet dreams.

  12. Well, Charlie, if any dog can learn to fly surely it will be you. You are so lovely in your photos.

  13. It sure is fun to be a pup and have limitless energy! Love the pics!


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