April 7, 2024

Mural Behind a Church

Woodstock, VA

When I first saw this mural on the back of St. John Bosco Church, it wasn’t finished yet, and I thought it must be the backdrop for a pageant. Now that it is completed, they have added a pedestal and a statue, so I think that it is going to be permanent. There are also some benches, which could be moved if they staged a nativity scene or something there.

Sharing with Monday Murals

This Catholic Church has several buildings. 


  1. It is a fabulous looking mural

  2. Religion in America is alive and well - alive anyway.

  3. Beautiful mural! Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  4. An interesting religious mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  5. ...it will make a wonderful backdrop.

  6. That mural add considerable bright color the the back of this church.

  7. I love the Virgin of Guadalupe, and her story. It is most active in Mexico, of course. But many of us Norte Americanos have something to remind us of the miracles and how she's linked to an indigenous goddess and holy site which then became the site of the Catholic Church once the Spaniards took over. The story is linked to the coming of the Catholics to the indigenous peoples.

  8. What a beautiful depiction of Virgin of Guadalupe (I was about to say Mother Mary, but glad I did some digging). Beautiful indeed. Thank you for the share. Be well!

  9. It's a lovely mural and beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary. I remember seeing this statue or something very similar in California Missions.


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