April 3, 2024

Walking by the River after the Rain

Seven Bends State Park

Yesterday and today were rainy, but I can't complain. I'd rather have rain then forest fires, and at least we did not have the devastating winds that hit the Ohio River Valley this morning.

In the afternoon, there was a break in the rain so I took Charlie to Seven Bends State Park. He loves to sniff along the trails there.

I decided to go to the Hollingsworth Road entrance. We crossed the bridge by the winery.

I saw some geese across from the canoe ramp. They’re very small in the photo, but we saw them again later. 

We walked along the Bass Bight Trail. Charlie sees there’s a tree down. I reported it and the rangers will have it removed soon, so the trail will again be welcoming to bikes and strollers.

Do you see the duck leaving a trail in the water? I regretted not having my real camera, But it is awkward to handle when I’m walking the dog, plus there was a possibility that the rain would start again. These are cell phone pictures.

We did not very walk very far. Back at the parking lot, I could see the geese again. I think they might be the geese that I showed last week. They live at a home next to the park entrance.

As I drove out of the park, I looked in the yard where I often see the geese and there was Barney. He is a rather bold peacock. He’s not native to Virginia. Peafowl were originally from Sri Lanka and India. I read that they were taken to Egypt as long as 3000 years ago by the Phoenicians.

I ran several errands and by the time we were done, the rain started again.


  1. Amazing park. Everything has turned such a beautiful green color after the rain.. Like we are there and walking with you🍃. Thank you.

  2. The reflections are gorgeous!

  3. Beautiful scenes, I love the river view, Charlie and the peacock. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. And you didn’t turn into the winery?

  5. ...it's mud season here today.

  6. Such pretty reflections off the water. Charlie seems to be having a good time!

  7. Real cute photos of Charlie. A nice series of photos. Interesting info on the peacock.


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