April 21, 2024

Near Chantilly

Rajdhani Mandir

This temple was built in 2000 to serve the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist communities in Northern Virginia. 

I stopped there to take a picture last month when I made a short side trip on my way to Herndon. I had turned off Route 50 to take a look at a community near South Riding. I was curious because the neighborhood was built on a farm once owned by Charles and Becky Poland. I went on many Civil War field trips with them some years back.

When they sold the land in order to move away because Chantilly was choked with traffic, they envisioned that a senior community might be built there due to the fact that the school system was already up to capacity. The developer had other ideas and the housing there is closely packed. I was shocked at how dense it is.

I noticed that streets and a pond were named after members of their family. The farm is gone, and I didn’t recognize anything except for a few turns on the road leading there. I have many fond memories of summer cookouts in their yard at the end of each season of field trips. I took those trips every summer for 20 years. Great people.


  1. What a lovely temple. It just says through its design, that this is a place that is from the East, where something special is happening.

  2. We have a similar one here. We are trying to figure if it is open yet or not as there doesn't appear to be a roof but the framework. I'm thinking they are saving up for that but don't really know what the story is.

    Interesting about the people who once had this land.

    I saw that it was National Beagle Day today. Happy National Beagle Day to you Charlie and Charlie's mom. My niece put a post up about her two, plus her foster beagle, that's the only reason I know but am happy to have caught it to wish you both a good day.

  3. I'd feel claustrophobic like that.


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