April 22, 2024

Hope’s Garden in “The Gap”

Hillsboro, VA

Historic Garden Week has begun. Today I went to Hillsboro for a walking tour of homes and gardens. This mural greeted me at the old school that served as to headquarters. I regret that a vendor’s booth is blocking the word Hillsboro.

“The Gap” was the original name of the village, which sits at the southern gap in Short Hill. It was established in 1752. 

Since I am tired from walking up and down hills and stairs all afternoon, I’m not going to write up the whole tour yet, but instead I am showing the first stop, a brand new little park called Hope’s Garden. 

The garden features native plants, although the growing season is just beginning right now. We actually had a frost last night and there may be another one tonight. Phlox are blooming though.

Sharing with Monday Murals and Garden Affair


  1. The hope sign is doing it for me. We all need hope

  2. Touring homes and gardens would be just the ideal tour for me :) Nice mural Linda, thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  3. Hope, it seems to me, is often in short supply of late.

  4. ...hope is an important thing.

  5. Glad you had the stamina to go up and down those gardens. Looking forward to seeing more views of them.

  6. The garden looks amazing, the phlox blooms made my day. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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