April 20, 2024

Woofstock 2023

This afternoon I took Charlie to a dog festival. 

I wasn’t too sure what to expect or how Charlie would take it, but once he got over the initial excitement of seeing a bunch of dogs in the crowd, he calmed down and behaved beautifully. “Woofstock” is a play on the name of the famous 1969 music festival, but I didn’t see any hippies today.

Created with StarryAI for Caturday Art.

There was some music playing for a demonstration of freestyle dancing with dogs.

Mosaic / Critters

We saw a couple of neighbors and also Jaime, my real estate agent. We entered the cute dog contest, but none of us won. A small red heeler was the winner, but everyone had fun. 

Charlie even allowed a nail trim!

We stayed for a presentation on search and rescue dogs. This lab is Reese, who works with conservation police. It is amazing what they can do after many days of training.


  1. Looks like a real fun event! I like the play on word in the title.

  2. Way to go Charlie, he did great!!

  3. Woofstock sounds like a blast! Glad Charlie had a good time and even braved a nail trim.

  4. You sure had a great time with Charlie.
    Woofstock is a historic place.
    Have a beautiful day🌷!

  5. Hello Charlie :=)
    You were such a good boy at Woofstock and I'm so pleased you enjoyed seeing all the other dogs and
    I loved all your photos.

  6. That looks so fun and the weather looked divine!

  7. ...I hope that the two of you had a great time.

  8. I am sure that all the dogs were cute so picking a winner would be difficult - and highly subjective, of course.

  9. That's cute AI art!
    Charlie, it looks as if you both had a great time.

  10. Loved the dog who played guitar! And all the other cute pooches as well, but Charlie clearly should have won cutest!

  11. How amazing that so many dogs could gather peacefully and behave so beautifully! Lovely photos.
    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  12. a guitar playing doggie, now that is super cool!! LOL!! we met the cutest doggies this weekend, Rudy she was so cute, had all this white hair around her face, just was so curious, what a sweetheart, i love dogs that love me, i am kind of shy when it comes to dogs, 'cause i was not raised around them, but it gives me hope when they like me. ( ;

  13. Looks like you had a lot of fun😸😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  14. So much joy is actually recognisable in the pictures. And yes, I remember our chow chow who loved to play too. We couldn't take part in a competition with other dogs, he would have inevitably started roughhousing.

    Thank you for sharing with MosaicMonday
    Have a pleasant week. Greetings from Heidrun

  15. The dog festival sounds fun! Cute doggies and photos. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.


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