April 12, 2024

High Water Today

Hollingsworth Road Bridge, Woodstock

B&W / Reflections / H2O

Heavy rains have brought up the water levels on our rivers. I don't think the Shenandoah is quite at flood stage, but a few country roads have flooded at creek crossings.


  1. Beautiful photo! Sky, branches, reflections - lovely!

  2. First fire and then floods. It’s the established script of the 21st century, isn’t it?

  3. I am glad the river is not flooding. We have caught up after having so much rain lately. Have a great weekend.

  4. Nice capture of reflected light/clouds and framed trees!

  5. A beautiful sky, a wonderful reflection, a peaceful place

  6. I hope no flooding happens, the fires that have happened are enough. The sky seems determined to rain and let's hope for little else!

  7. That’s a very atmospheric photo! I hope the flooding stays at a manageable level.

  8. it is wild how lately we get such rain and then the wind. i don't think i recall it happening similarly in the past? wild weather. the winds are just so wild, rough. u take care. have a great week. ( ;

  9. Given the lower than usual snowfall here this winter, flooding shouldn't be an issue.


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