April 13, 2024

Marie Visits her Favorite Beagle

Hi, it's Charlie! Look who came to see me! It's Marie! She took me for walks and we went to the state park too.

 Another exciting thing this week was seeing some dogs who look like me at the dog park. This one is Bud and he’s older than me.

Nothing else was that exciting. I did see some sheep from the car and some of them were babies.

Well, I should go to sleep soon. I like to get up really early so I can wake up Mom before dawn. 


  1. Beautiful walk under the sun🌼!

  2. Hello,
    Looks like a great day for a walk at the park.
    You look cute, the other beagles do look like you.
    I like the sheep too. Cute photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. What a day to relax with your best friend

  4. You should deem it your mission in life, Charlie, to rouse everyone early and get the day started.

  5. ...Charlie is the center of attention?

  6. We hope you enjoyed your walk in the park, Charlie.
    We love your art, too.

  7. Wonderful Charlie! Looks like you had a great trip to the park with your Mom and Marie. I am sure Mom enjoys being awakened before dawn ;)

  8. Hi Charlie...good to see you have another beagle in the area...just to make sure you stay top dog however!

  9. Good ole (I know he is not old) Charlie!

  10. Lovely photos of animal furriends and your art is so sweet!

  11. Charlie likes having the company.


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