March 22, 2024

Spidery Roots

Winchester, VA

This pond is on property of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. As I started to compose this post, I realized that it’s hard to tell what is a reflection and what is not in the black-and-white picture, so  below is a slightly different version. 

Sharing with H2O / Reflections / B&W


  1. Very cool! At first I couldn't even tell that the roots were a reflection.

  2. I love that black and white shot

  3. Hello,
    Great reflections! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. That’s really interesting. The difference is quite pronounced.

  5. ...trees near water are very shallow rooted.

  6. Thank for the color shot, it does help one understand!

  7. Interesting perspective between the two pictures. That tree looks like it was at least 15-20 years old before it succumbed to the pond.


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