February 25, 2024

A Log Church, circa 1818

Middletown, VA

This building on Senseney Avenue was the first church built in Middletown. Originally a Methodist church serving white citizens, it was conveyed to the “Colored People’s Church” in 1872. 

It has been beautifully restored. You can see how it looked before restoration in my post from December 2016. At that time the beautiful logs were covered with deteriorating celotex siding.

At some point the congregation built a new church next to it, the Mount Olive Baptist Church. I believe they use the historic building for special events.


  1. Oh, lovely shadow stripes! Interesting history of the church.

  2. The log church is pretty! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. ...they have received wonderful care.

  4. The original building has been reclaimed! So beautiful and well constructed!

  5. I love it when old buildings are restored. They even put a great roof on it.

  6. I do like the little church, much nicer that that long one with all the additions you showed the other day


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