February 24, 2024

Late February, Waiting for Spring

It’s been a fairly quiet week here. I am anxious for spring to come with sunnier weather. The only blooms in my yard so far are grape hyacinths. Well, there have been a few dandelions, but I don’t really count those.

Charlie insists on multiple walks every day. He loves to meet Tripod, the orange kitty who wanders over from across the street.

I haven’t seen new animals to photograph lately. I can add more filters to pictures of Charlie, but if I want something different, I may have to wait for spring or go back into my archives. Well, I do have animal photos in my files from October that I haven’t shown. These are from Court Manor, where I took many pictures and only shared some of them.

Court Manor had a petting zoo event along with a pumpkin patch so it was a good opportunity to take pictures.


  1. Loved seeing Charlie as well as the petting zoo critters. Glad you had some resources to pull out!

  2. I liked seeing Charlie and his cat pal. I don't know many dogs who will make friends with a cat. When the weather is bad I often have to resort to archive pictures from my stash of 15,000+.

  3. Hello,
    I love Charlie, he is a cutie. The farm animals are wonderful, looks like a nice petting zoo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. We love seeing Charlie and his cat furriend. Great photos!

  5. We love seeing pictures of Charlie and Tripod. It's so nice when kitties and woofies are furriends!

  6. ...I have grape hyacinths flowering inside!

  7. Charlie is our star! Love the big cat and farm animals too!

  8. Love these photos. How sweet that Charlie has a visiting friend from across the street. Your grape hyacinths are very pretty.

  9. Wonderful moments with critters each photo is wonderful and seeing each in their own day to day is pleasing for all!

  10. I love the photos of Charlie and Tripod! I hope spring arrives soon for you.

  11. I need to find a great place like Court Manor where I can get pictures for now *and* for my archives. You have such great places. Although I would be perfectly happy to see Charlie (and Tripod) ever week. (Dandelions definitely don't count! But the hyacinths are lovely. I can't wait to see your Spring flowers!)

  12. That is gorgeous! I bet kids love it! #GardenAffair

  13. Grape hyacinth is one of my favorite spring bulb, the Zoo animals are adorable. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affar.


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