September 4, 2023

An Eagle Set Free

When I saw an announcement for a bald eagle release, I made plans to go. I've only been to one eagle release previously, and this one was to be at our local state park. I had heard about the eagle being rescued when it was very young after a storm blew the nest down in April. The parents were still feeding it, but it had an injured wing and would have been prey for predators. Park rangers gathered up the eaglet and took it to the Wildlife Center of Virginia. There it was able to heal safely.

A juvenile bald eagle still has a dark feathered head. This one was old enough to survive on its own, so it was brought back to Seven Bends State Park on September 1st to be released.

Ed Clark of the Wildlife Center handled the eagle. He posed with the park rangers. Then he took the eagle around so that the audience could see it.

I had brought my Sony camera so I had a better chance of getting pictures of the eagle flying. I set it on sports mode so it could fire quickly.

The eagle flew up, got its bearings, and headed toward the sky. It circled around overhead, as if rewarding us for cheering it on. How wonderful to see it set free!
Blue Monday / Mosaic Monday


  1. What a great moment! You captured it perfectly!

  2. It is awesome to see the eagle being released.
    Great photos! Take care, have a great day!

  3. An eagle set free is looking good

  4. May it have a long and fruitful life. It’s not so many years ago a bounty was paid for killing them in many areas, and then they had to contend with organochlorine pesticides. Eagles have earned their freedom.

  5. A great experience captured well by your camera!

  6. That's fantastic! What an amazing bird!


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