September 5, 2023

It’s Charlie’s Gotcha Day!

One year ago today, I drove to Charlottesville to meet Charlie. He was living in a foster home after being rescued from the Envigo breeding facility that was was closed down.

Lynn went with me. Charlie was shy and reluctant to meet us. For that reason, I feared he did not like me. Fortunately, his attitude changed as soon as we got him in my car.

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Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday


  1. Hello,
    Love your cute Charlie, I am glad he was adopted by you, he has a loving home. Take care, have a great day!

  2. On my, just a year has passed and you all have had so many trips together, so many harnesses and toys to chew on, and so many hours of loving on each other!

  3. How wonderful LInda! I remember when you adopted Charlie. He is a lucky boy :)

  4. He's super cute, lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan


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