August 4, 2023

On a Trail with Charlie

Taking Charlie to the Lion's Tale Trail was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I had driven to the recycling center in Edinburg and felt the urge to go to the national forest, which is not far from there. Charlie was in the backseat and I had his leash and water bowl in the car.

I have been to this trail before. It is an easy loop of a half mile, built with children in mind including kids with disabilities. It was sponsored by the Edinburg Lions Club.

I blogged about this trail back in 2007. I remembered how level it was, and it wasn't until we started walking that I checked my phone and saw there was no signal. It occurred to me that I had not told anybody where I was going, and the place was totally deserted. I would be in trouble if I broke my ankle or something. Next time I will plan better.

The trail is level and Charlie behaved well. The scenery was pretty.


  1. Beautiful! I love the light on those trees.

  2. Remember the day when we all walked without cell phones or the like? Let’s not let these things take over our lives.

    1. It’s always been a little risky for a woman to walk alone in a forest, or anyone when bears are around. Now that I’m older, I have to worry about things like stumbling and breaking a bone. Next time I will let someone know where I am going so they know where to send the search party.

  3. ...I'm afraid that phone have consumed many lives.

  4. Hello,
    Beautiful views from the trail, Charlie is happy to be out walking. Have a great weekend.

  5. So glad you could still take photos on your walk, even if no cell service!

  6. Charlie must have enjoyed the trail!

  7. Hello Linda,
    Love your cute Charlie. Looks like a great park for a walk. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  8. Wow! That is a great place for a walk. I would be a regular there. Let's GO Charlie!


  9. What a charming spontaneous adventure with Charlie!


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