February 17, 2023

Woodstock Recently

Another week has zoomed by. Here are some pictures I took on recent days in Woodstock (Virginia).

The reason my sky shots often contain contrails is that this part of the Shenandoah Valley is directly under a flight path from Dulles Airport. (No UFOs are involved in this photo.)

The rocking chairs were on the porch of the old law office that I showed on Tuesday. When I got back in my car from that self-assigned photo shoot, I saw some people framed in my side mirror. 

Valentine's Day fell this week and even the supermarket had pretty flowers. It has never been a favorite day for me but the highlight of that day this year was seeing a tee-shirt that said “My Valentine is my Dog.”  I can relate.

Lest you think I am totally against Valentine romance, I wore a red shirt and posed for a selfie at the love sign in our state park. I used the timer in the photo app and figured out how to balance the phone on the front of the Chronolog post.


  1. I like the third one the best. You paparazzing spy you. 🙂

  2. Hello Linda :=)
    The first three photos are unusual and I like all three.and you found a great way to take your own photo. Nice one! The T shirt's lettering made me smile. :=)

  3. Hello,
    I like that Charlie is your Valentine. Pretty sky shot and the Rocking chair photo is great. Have a happy weekend.

  4. Great to see you in a pose with the LOVE sign.

  5. The days and weeks pass by so quickly.
    I enjoyed your selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  6. A very nice series and always nice to see you. The post worked out well.

  7. I love that your valentine was your dog.

  8. I love the assortment of flowers in bouquet, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  9. I like the car mirror shot! Not sure my car mirror would be clean enough to get a great shot like that!


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