February 18, 2023

What is Charlie Looking at?

Charlie was staring out the window. I expected to see a squirrel or a large bird on the deck.

Oh! It was the orange cat from down the street, the one with three legs. I don’t know the story of this kitty but we see it on the street sometimes. It appears to be well fed.

I’ll show you another picture, one with a PicsArt effect.

Of course, we usually see birds and squirrels at the feeders. Here’s a tufted titmouse.

Let's switch locations and I'll show you a couple of dogs at Seven Bends State Park. Here are some people walking a dog.

And here is Ranger Megan's cute doggy, also named Charlie.


  1. The three legged cat is certainly attractive, no wonder why Charlie is so engrossed. The other Charlie is also cute!

  2. Nice kitty and birdie! Maybe new friends for Charlie?

  3. Hello,
    Has Charlie seen a cat before, I am sure it spooked your feeder birds away. Cute puppy dogs, the Charlie at the park is a cutie. I love dogs. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy day and a great new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Charlie has seen cats and tried to be friends with some but no luck so far.

  4. ...Charlie seems like a poplar name.

  5. Beautiful pictures. That kitty is gorgeous!

  6. What a lovely kitty! He gets around pretty well, I'd say! Wanted a birdie for breakfast perhaps...too bad! I am thrilled to hear of another Charlie, after all that's the King's name too!

  7. That kitty is a sweetheart. I wonder how much interaction Charlie has had with cats.

  8. What a big beautiful cat! I like dogs better though!

  9. That cat is so fluffy and cute!

  10. Beautiful animals.. the titmouse is adorable.

  11. Lovely animals, Charlie seems to enjoy himself. That cat reminds me of the one I had as a child, beautiful markings. The titmouse picture is great too.

  12. Hello Linda :=)
    Charlie is a great name for a dog. I love the Titmouse capture. They are beautiful birds. The Marmalade cat is attractive, but it's not good for the birds to have it around.
    All the best.


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