February 24, 2023

High Water, High Wires

Woodstock, VA

One afternoon I headed for the state park and found the low-water bridge looked like it was close to being flooded. I knew that Lupton Road would have been closed if the river was precariously high so I wasn’t afraid to cross it, but I only stayed there long enough to turn around and head back up the hill to town. 

Note the debris on the upriver side. That’s mostly branches that floated down the river and got caught on the bridge. Sometimes entire trees get uprooted by the high water and wind up trapped by bridges. The Shenandoah River still has a surprising number of these low bridges.

The second picture was taken on the other side of Woodstock, from a gas station near the interstate highway. 


  1. So many wires! They make an interesting pattern.

  2. Think of the events that have occurred along the river over its long history, before there were bridges even.

  3. ...I try to eliminate wire is my photos, you made them become art.

  4. Terrific shots.

    Time will tell what spring does. Best for a slow, orderly thaw.

  5. Always bad news whenever those logjams form.


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