December 11, 2022

Looking for Red and Green

As usual, I am slow to find inspiration for the holiday season. For some people, it's their favorite time of year. For me, it's one bright day in the middle of the most dreary time of the year. But I don't know if I could make it through the winter without Christmas. I like the lights and the time spent with family.

If it were up to me, winter would start on December 24 and end on January 2. I don't like the short dark days or the cold weather.

I do like holiday colors, and it helps a little to collect pictures of them. Here we see an arrangement on the door of historic Mt. Zion Church near Aldie, Virginia. I’ve posted pictures of this church several times before, due to its Civil War history and also because it is a convenient place to stop when I drive to Herndon to shop.

Closer to home, I took some pictures yesterday and today in Woodstock and Strasburg. 


  1. Linda - I know winter is tough for many people, especially the short days and lack of light. Montana can be pretty gray even during daylight hours ... personally, I love winter for all the sports opportunities it offers, and Christmas of course!

  2. That really does not look like a church.

  3. I am just really glad we don't get caught up in all of this. One day passes the same as another for us, and we enjoy every day. Nature will do it for us every time and we don't feel any desire to set aside a day with glitter and (mainly contrived) cheer.

  4. Hello,
    The lights and Christmas decorations are a joy to see, I feel the same way about the dreary winter months.
    Take care, have a happy new week!

  5. ...I love the magnolia leaves.

  6. I like that old house. I don't decorate too much, but I do enjoy the cool weather.

  7. It's fun to see what interesting new decorations can be devised for an old holiday season. Just make a few new movies, and sell a bunch of toys related to them. Gag. But as someone said above, nature is always there to be enjoyed, even on grey days.

  8. Red and green are my favourite Christmas colours.
    Nice to see your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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