December 10, 2022

Changes and Charlie

Hi, it's Charlie again. I've noticed some new critters are showing up in front of houses. I don't know what they are. So far, they don't want to play.

The weather has gotten colder. Sometimes it is rainy and my feet feel cold when we go outside. I don’t roll on the grass on those days. 

We only went to the dog park one time this week. I am the fastest dog at the park! It is the best place to go, but we have to ride in the car to get there and that is very scary. Mr. Frank even came over and drove the car so Mom could ride in the back with me. She would not let me chew on the arm rest and gave me a chew bone because I need to chew on something while the car was moving.  It is so noisy and my whole body vibrates.

We went back to the pet doctor and Dr. Vick is very nice. She told Mom that some pills might help me. I don't know what that means. I am perfect the way I am but the world is very scary. And Mom is not my real mother and I miss being with other beagles, even though we were not comfortable living in a cage. But it’s good that my brothers and sisters all got to leave that place and stay with people who take care of them.



  1. Charlie, you are a very good boy, and safe.

    As to those new critters you see on porches this time of year, well, I'm not fond of that myself.

  2. Charlie, you are adorable and well loved. I am sure the new critters on the porches just want to make friends.

  3. These little dogs would turn the whole place into a market

  4. Charlie is so cute, it is great you get to go to the dog park and play with the other dogs. You are loved and are in a safe home. The Christmas decorations are cute, love the Charlie photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great day and happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Hang in there, Charlie. All will be well.

  6. Oh Charlie, sometimes pills (especially hidden in treats) will make you feel a bit better. You sure are a lucky little guy!

  7. Charlie, We are sorry you find the world a scary place, but it will get better, you'll see. You are in a safe, loving home and your Mom will neffur let anything bad happen to you.

  8. We hope you learn to feel safe, Charlie. Your art is lovely!

  9. I love Charlie, he is beautiful.


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