December 15, 2022

Icy Branches

Our area got freezing rain during the night. The weather forecasters had predicted this.

I did not venture far from home today. Taking Charlie for a walk was a little scary this morning because my driveway was slippery and Charlie does not understand about ice. I don't think he's ever seen it before. Once we made it down to the sidewalk, the concrete was mostly just wet. I took some pictures of the frozen branches with my cell phone.

I guess the temperature did not go up above freezing because the branches were still covered with ice this evening.



  1. Beautiful and treacherous! Sure looks pretty!

  2. We were supposed to get similar conditions but the storm pretty much fizzled out here before it got started.

  3. Hello,
    Pretty images, the last one is my favorite. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  4. ...there can be beauty in ice.

  5. I loved these pics of ice clad branches!

  6. Beautiful but ice falling is one winter condition I don't like.

  7. I love that last picture where the icicle tree is lit up! Winter is beautiful as long as there is now wind!

  8. The last picture is so pretty! Ice is beautiful but only if you aren't dealing with it. Alana

  9. Ice storms are the most dangerous, yet the most beautiful. You captured it wonderfully. Watch those power lines if you go out in it!

  10. Wow, that last photo with the icy tree backlight by the streetlamp is outstanding. Like an art installation!

  11. Linda, you made my day. Ice and snow are a real rarity for around here along the Texas border. The ones I remember are along Highway 71 going north of Omaha on the Iowa side. They glistened in the sun, not yet melted but shiny wet.

  12. We had that weather too.
    It may be dangerous but it sure is pretty.

  13. I love that last photo especially.


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