December 14, 2022

Unexpected Heron

Since poor Charlie suffers from anxiety whenever he rides in the car or is left alone, I took him back to the vet to get help for his condition. On the way, I naïvely thought I could drop off my recycling, but then the dog got so upset in the backseat that I pulled over at a boat landing to walk him around. I took out my cell phones and snapped a few pictures of the river.

Suddenly a huge heron flew past me and landed in a tree. It was a great blue heron, perhaps the largest one I’ve seen. I took some cell phone pictures of it in the tree but they are not as clear as I’d like. 

At the bottom of this post is a better picture of a great blue heron, one that I took at Shenandoah River Lakes in 2020.


  1. Heron always stands that straight

  2. I hope the vet can help Charlies with his anxiety. Great sighting of the heron! Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. Yes, I also hope the vet can help. Maybe he needs to watch video clips of other dogs clearly enjoying sticking their noses out car windows and drawing in those exotic smells. :-)

  4. Charlie doesn't seem to be improving much.

  5. Wonderful sighting of the heron! Hope Charlie can chill out a bit with meds...just a bit!

  6. Kudos to you for being so patient with Charlie.

  7. I hope the vet can help Charlie with his anxiety.
    What a great photograph of the heron.

    All the best Jan

  8. Dear Charlie, I hope he gets over his fear real soon. Great photos! How cool to see the heron flying into the tree.


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