November 17, 2022

A Ruff Day and a Better Day

Yesrterday was a rough day for Charlie. There are things that really upset him which would not bother a typical dog. I will briefly describe what happened.

The cleaning people came. I didn’t feel I needed them before I got a dog but now there is dog hair everywhere, and I am so dog-tired that I don’t have the energy for much house cleaning. Well, Charlie is afraid of mops and upright vacuum cleaners, so I took him outside. We were doing fine until a delivery truck stopped across the street and a tall man in a dark uniform got out. Charlie looked at him and started howling. He remained upset after the man got back in his truck and left.

When I tried to carry some dead flowers and sticks to the backyard, that set him off again. He ran this way and that way and almost made me fall down.

To add insult to injury, another tall man showed up and Charlie got upset again. He didn’t calm down until late afternoon. I told him that we would make the next day better.

So today we went to the dog park even though the weather was cold. Charlie wore his new coat but no one was there to admire it. I guess the other dogs stayed home where it was warm. Still, Charlie got to run around at high speed and even chased a ball. 

We are working on feeling safe outdoors. Charlie was raised in a large breeding facility that got shut down for abusing the dogs, and he spent the first year of his life indoors in a cage. 

On the way home we stopped at Walmart and picked up prescriptions. They will bring them out to the car for you so I did not have to leave him alone. I noticed this display of inflatable decorations. Who invited a triceratops to the nativity scene?



  1. Hoping Charlie learns to enjoy the outdoors. With somebody patient like you it will happen. Amazing what those dogs went through.

  2. Sticks, loud noise, and tall men. All things that have traumatized him. The poor boy.

  3. The inflatable decorations are cute

  4. Linda - it may take a while for Charlie to overcome his trauma, but with your patient, loving approach, it will happen! He has such an adorable face!

  5. Lovely sky shot. Charlie is a beautiful dog but I can see the sadness in his eyes. I'm sure after you help him along he will get to enjoy life to the fullest.

  6. Hello,
    Cute photos of Charlie! I hope he calms down and has a happy life with you. Pretty view and sky photo. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  7. You are having a long struggle with Charlie. Let's hope he responds to the care and affection he is receiving now and begins to shed those phobias.

  8. Laughing out loud over here! The triceratops brings gifts to baby Jesus! Just wow~!

  9. A dinosaur. Now, that is funny. You have a large task ahead with Charlie, and I feel so for him and all the abuse he suffered. I hope time (and your patience) will heal the trauma. Alana

  10. Charlie looks like a very intelligent dog. Hopefully over time he will feel safe and secure.

  11. Poor Charlie, at least he has you to help him adjust.

  12. Sweet Charlie, he is so lucky to have you love him and take care of him. Sounds like a lot of time and patience is needed. My niece is still taking care of these dogs and is fostering another. She was married recently and there is a really lovely photo of bride and groom complete with her two beagles that came with the partnership. She has had them for years. It truly is my favorite photo of the wedding.

  13. Triceratops bringing gifts to baby Jesus what a hoot! You crack me up! What a way to spend it with a smile on my face. I'm sorry that poor Charlie with the sad eyes has been abused and caged. Each day will be a challenge for you and Charlie but there is hope in them there hills with your patience and love and guidance. Soon Charlie will adjust and be a sweet, happy guy.

  14. Charlie will adjust with your help and understanding. The poor dog was caged for a year, that is so inhumane.


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